Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Meet my future husband

Written February 16, 2010

I’m listening to wonderful jazz and finally snuggled up on my bed after a long, but productive, day. Tuesdays, a woman comes early in the morning to clean the bathroom and a bit more of the house, because Concha has problems with her back and it isn’t good for her to do too much serious housework—like washing the floor on her knees or something. I always kind of wake up when I hear her working in the bathroom, which is next to my room, and then go back to sleep for another hour or so before I get up for breakfast. I don’t have to be at school until 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I like to get there about 15 minutes early to check my email and say hi to my friends before classes start. I had a great lecture and then a great discussion class this morning, and homework is starting to roll in. All doable, but I was so enjoying such a long vacation! :P Lunch was fantastic today, really scrumptious. We had a fish soup thing—more squidlies, but I’m getting used to eating them now, and have actually started thinking of my stomach as a fishbowl where all the little fishes and squid-ums can have a lovely little party. If anyone had any doubts that I am absolutely bonkers, I think I just did away with them. ;) ;) Anyways, along with the fish soup we had this delicious salad that reminded me very much of ceviche—clams, onions, tomatoes, lemon juice, YUM. And, of course, a hunk of bread and a wonderful Spanish orange—the oranges here are AMAZING.

After lunch, I went back to school to work out some travel details, and I think I have some exciting trip plans for March and April! Mid-march we have a week off—semana santa, the holy week before easter—and I’ll be heading to France to visit Kristin and Nora and meet up with Elisa! I am very excited. I’ll get to see Paris and Nantes and three of my favorite ladies in the world. :) Now, I just need to book flights and start looking into trains and places to stay. Then, mid-April, I’m going to go to Barcelona with a group of my new friends here! The plane tickets are shockingly cheap, and I am SO EXCITED to spend an extended weekend in this wonderful city. Yay!

Tonight I had the first classes of my Phonetics and Granada Seminar courses with José—the guy who also teaches Tutorías—and OH MY GOD, I am going to marry this man. He. Is. HILARIOUS. I will give you examples (because I’m nice like that):

  1. At the beginning of Phonetics, he bumped the cord for the screen that all classrooms have that you can project things on—you know those that are annoying and never stay down when you pull them down? Anyways, so it starts swinging and clicking on the white board like a grandfather clock—tick, tock, tick, tock. And his eyes get huge and he turns and slams his hand onto it and says, in English, “I can’t stand it, it’s like a torture!” It was the cutest thing ever. Then, he put the cord up on top of the white board and it falls down, so he puts it up again and steps back and stares at it for a good thirty seconds. Then, turns to us and in total sincerity says, “I am scared!” I love this crazy v-neck-sweater-wearing Spaniard.

  2. He was explaining how different phonemes are formed in the mouth, such as “Guh-guh—like in goose… kuh, kuh—conquer.” When we got to f, he said, “Fff, ff—fugly.” We were all so surprised that there was a pause, and then the whole class burst into laughter. I’m telling you, LOVE HIM.

  3. While explaining the different sorts of phonemes we have in American English but aren’t in British English, he used the example of the ‘r.’ I don’t know why, but I just about died from too much funniness when he was saying, “Caaw, caaw, CAR. CAR. Caaaw, CAR.”

  4. He speaks English very well, but still has a very Spanish accent and uses this one phrase all the time that just sends us into a tizzy of giggles: “It’s ok?” I don’t know why, just the way he says it is fantastic.

  5. At one point while talking about gypsies, I think, he threw out an amazing X-Files reference that just about sent me over the edge. He said, “No one really knows where this custom came from, but it’s like Mulder and Scully, you know? The truth is out there.” This was the moment in which I knew I must marry him. Screw the thirty year age gap and the fact that he may very well be gay; it’s gonna happen.

Another really funny moment from the phonetics class was when he was having us practice our Spanish rolled ‘r’s, and everyone was going, “rrrRRRRrrrr… rrrRRR? RRRRR!!” And I turned to the girl next to me and I was like, “I feel like we’re all hitting on each other; it’s great!” It really was great.

Tonight, Concha fixed me a special dinner. Usually I just have a sandwich and a yogurt, but tonight I had a lovely roasted garlic and leek soup with apple cider vinager sprinkled on top, a small green salad and some fried little ham rolls, which are SO YUMMY. It was really to die for. I’ve kind of just had a to-die-for evening, it would seem. :)

Whoof, I bet you can tell how tired I am from my rather lack-luster entry today, but I really wanted to share about José anyways. I miss you guys a lot; I wish you were here so I could tell these stories over a coffee or tapas instead of over the internet. I’ve been trying to write postcards and letters whenever I have free time, too, because I know getting something personal in the mail is so much better than a blog or even an email. I hope you know how much I love you and can’t wait to see you again!

Pura vida, y que tenga un buen día!



  1. rrrrrreally good fishey stories. And I love the fun in class....

  2. You have a talent in writing, Kelsey. You are very witty and I laughed out I read this. Thank you so much for the postcard...we got it yesterday and Talia wanted to write you. I don't have your address; but my mom will mail you our letter back. Oh, love new food and smells and people...enjoy your time there. This is a wonderful season of your life.
    Love you and hugs, Aunt Lauren

  3. a month already?! whoa.
    i want to meet your teachers!
